half-brother Whopper and the puppies

Whopper can actually be calm and careful. He is very considerate with the puppies and cleans them really ambitious. Information about the parents >

Tante Summer

Wie bereits beim letzten Wurf nimmt “Tante” Summer (Hovawart) ihre Arbeit auf. Summer möchte gerne dabei sein und Lava ist entspannt. In einigen Tagen wird Summer auch mit den Welpen spielen und Lava so etwas entlasten. Wir freuen uns darüber, denn so ein entspannter Umgang zweier Hündinnen im Rudel ist keineswegs selbstverständlich. Whopper interessiert sich…

All puppies are doing well

All 13 puppies gain weight! Lava wants to have the puppies always together in the litter box. If we move the puppies out to clean the box she gets restless. She only leaves the whelping box herself when it is necessary. Information about the parents

We have puppies

Our B-litter literally tumbled into the whelping box. In only 5 hours our Lava von Elberfeld whelped 13 puppies . From this mating we can expect temperamental dogs, eager to work and friendly to humans. The 7 males and 6 females as well as Lava are lively and healthy! If you are interested in a…

plump girl

You can’t overlook it: Lava is not “alone”! Slowly we realize that she is taking care of herself.

crazy weather

The weather in 5 days. Snow then warmth alternating with cold and rain! Whopper is always muddy, lava is already slowing down a bit. She has to endure another three weeks until the whelping date.

Parents of the B-litter

infos on working-dog Father : Prinz vom kleinen Büffel, WT: 02.03.2017 Prinz convinces with his impeccable, friendly and spirited nature. Despite his young age, he can already boast remarkable successes both in the exhibition area and in the sporting area. Prinz is medium-sized, correctly constructed and has an impressive, hard coat. find him in working-dog…

We are expecting puppies

Lava was quickly and easily mated by Prinz vom kleinen Büffel. We expect the puppies at the end of March 2020. Prinz vom kleinen Büffel, Achievements: BH, IGP3, FH2, IPO FH, Multichampion Congratulations also to Nicole, the owner of the stud dog Prinz vom kleinen Büffel. In the next few days Prinz will be presented…

We are happy to have puppies!

Our Lava von Elberfeld has been mated. If all is fine, we expect puppies at the end of March! Despite his young age, the stud dog can show amazing results in both performance and show. Prinz vom kleinen Büffel, WT: 02.03.2017, HD A2, KKL 1-1-2-1 AKZ: BH, IGP 3, IFH2, IPO-FH Exhibitions: Club winner, BOB KSA…

Angus beim Fotoshooting

Angus war bei einer Profifotografin. Es sind tolle Bilder heraus gekommen! Auf dem Bild mit seinem Frauchen sieht man rechts auch Riesenschnauzer Vito, der Angus damals sehr liebevoll und freundlich in die Familie aufgenommen hatte. Auch ein Bild vom dritten im Bunde ist dabei – Heino! Ich bin sicher, jeder weiß sofort, welcher Hund damit…

Arielle mondioring

Arielle is practising mondioring, a challenging and multifaceted sport – and she is doing very well! 

Angus und Aivy pass the BH Test

An exciting, successful Sunday comes to an end! 2 dogs from our A-litter and their handlers passed the BH test! Gaby with Aivy and Heike with Angus showed super performances on different examinations and were complimented very much by the respective judges. Their joy of working and their good training was especially mentioned. Now three…