
Da wird gespielt und gezergelt, was das Zeug hält… Informationen zu den Eltern > >


Bilder von mehreren Tagen. Halbbruder Whopper (schwarzes Halsband) entpuppt sich als sehr welpenfreundlich. Die Welpen nabeln sich langsam etwas von der Mutter ab und sie haben begonnen zu spielen.  

puppies in portrait

These are the puppies in portrait. Males with the colors: brown, black, dark blue, grey, green, light blue, red Bitches with the colors: beige, yellow, purple, yellow-black, orange, pink Males: Bitches: Parents:

kind visit

For puppies it is important to have contact to foreign people, so we were very happy about the visit! In the meantime they are eating quite neatly next to each other out of the food ring. Of course we stay with them and make sure that each one stays with his little pile of meat….

hallo world!

Our puppies are now exactly 4 weeks young. Some of them are still looking for their family. In this beautiful weather the puppies are spending a lot of time outside. In the shadow or in the tube the puppies can relax – and grow! For those who are interested, here is a growth chart of…

eat and sleep…

… is the only thing that happens with the puppies – you could think so – but that is wrongly thought! When eating or sleeping you can simply take the best pictures of these lively little puppies. In the coming week the puppy playground will be gradually taken over, then there will be more action…

Das große Fressen

Die ersten Versuche,  zusammen vom Teller zu fressen. Der Protest im Hintergrund stammt von den Welpen, die noch nicht dran waren! > Informationen zur Verpaarung


Today the puppies were dewormed. This is necessary, even though the stuff obviously tastes disgusting. The deworming medicine is injected into the mouth with a syringe (without needle!)  and there is no discussion. Before they realize what is going on, we are done.


As a real dog you cannot always drink only milk, so today the puppies tried meat for the first time. What an excitement, all 13 were enthusiastic and liked it very much! The meat was a lean beef, which we chopped into a meat mash – very fine tatar, rolled in balls, because it is…

There’s something happening

Lava’s puppies are developing well. Meanwhile the puppies are no longer crawling but wiggling, becoming more and more safely. They have opened their eyes and also their ears, and now they perceive more. Soon the first teeth will break through. The claws already had to be trimmed the first time to protect Lava’s suckles. We…

1 week

Now the puppies are 1 week old (better young) and keep us busy! We are happy that half-brother Whopper is very careful with them and even cleans them! Information about the parents


What a sound! That’s the sound of lava coming back, because of course mummy lava has to get out too! Information about the parents>